Sunday, April 21, 2019

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2: Five things to expect in ‘The Rightful Queen’

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 is due for the next week and we can expect some exciting stuff in it. The ultimate revelation was made in the first episode. Jon finally got to know about his true identity. And there were many reunions too: Jon and Arya, Arya and Gendry, Sansa and Tyrion. After the premiere of the first episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, HBO released a promo of the second episode.

The opening shot of recent promo shows Jaime being put on trial in front of the rulers of Winterfell. Daenerys would finally be meeting the Kingslayer himself. He had previously tried to attack her once too.

Is Jaime going to die?

In the trailer of Game of Thrones season 8, we had seen Jaime’s fake hand lying around in the snow. So, is he going to die? But, that would jeopardize the prophecy. Would Tyrion be the one to kill Cersei?

Will Jon finally tell Daenerys the truth?

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2

There is also a tiny scene which shows Daenerys approaching Jon in the crypts of Winterfell. Maybe Jon has called her there to let her in on the truth about his identity.

Pre-battle commotion in Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 jon

In one of the scenes, Jon asks Tormund about how much time do they have. And Tormund says, “Before the sun rises tomorrow.” Just look at the panic expression on Jon’s face. Of course, he should be. This would be battle of their lives.

The soft moments 

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2

Then we have a heartwarming kissing scene between Grey Worm and Missandei Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2. This is probably a good luck/goodbye kiss before the battle begins.

The Battle of Winterfell

And, it is highly likely that the Battle of Winterfell is going to be featured in the third episode. It is also the episode which has the longest duration of 82 minutes. I think we need to be ready for awesome action scenes and gruesome deaths.

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