Sunday, April 21, 2019

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 review

Game of Thrones season 8 has been consistently hitting it out of the park, with the second episode right up to the mark. Fans were suspecting the big battle to happen, but all it did was built up tension through the end.

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The second episode was a breath of fresh air, no battles, no killing, just people preparing for their final fight. With a lot of heartfelt exchanges and last kisses, this episode was more of a calm before the storm.

Review of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2

Game of Thrones makers decided to give us some last moments with our beloved characters before they could die in the next episode. Episode 3 will feature the Battle of Winterfell, and a lot of fan-favorite characters are rumored to die.

It was like this episode felt like a long goodbye to everyone, who knows if any of them survive till the end. From drinking beer around the fireplace to making out in the storeroom, it got everything other than a fight.

Smile before the Sorrows

Game of Thrones viewers could feel the tension inside them throughout this episode. Everyone was acting like they would survive, though deep down they were looking at death.

Ser Jaime Lannister explained that he intends to fight for the Living, while Brienne of Tarth vouched for him. He knew his life would come to an end, but he would like to die fighting beside her.

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 featured one of the simplest yet most unique things, people just sitting and discussing their lives. Tyrion, Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Ser Davos and Tormund all spend their night drinking around the fireplace.

It was so refreshing to see the characters just being themselves despite all the tension. When Jaime Lannister knighted Brienne as a knight, her expressions were wonderful. One could see the happiness hidden among her tears.

Few moments of Happiness

Lovers were bidding farewell to each other, with Missandei giving Greyworm a before the battle luck kiss. Samwell Tarly decided to fight along the Night Watch, and spend his last night with Gilly and Little Sam.

What came as a surprise to many fans, was Arya finally opening about her love for Gendry. This episodes sex scene quota came from Arya Stark and Gendry, given Maisie Williams is an adult now, it makes sense.

The Great War is Here

Amidst all that tension, Jon finally revealed to Dany that he is Aegon Targaryen, the last male heir to the Iron Throne. While Dany refused to believe him, the army of White Walkers finally arrived.

Episode 2 of season 8 was one of the most interesting filler episodes for a TV series. Fans are now unable to wait for the 3rd episode, for the most epic battle ever on TV. Stay tuned to Hiptoro for more Game of Thrones updates and other news.

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