Sunday, April 21, 2019

One Piece chapter 941 spoilers, release date: Luffy escapes

One Piece chapter 941 is going to release in some time and everyone is hoping that it will be as good as the previous one. The ending of chapter 940 has created many possible plot lines, as to what might happen in the future.

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One Piece chapter 941 spoilers, release date

What happened in the previous chapter?

The break out at the Udon Prison is going to happen real soon as Big Mom has reached the gates. Also, the editor of Oda had said that Wano Country’s Act 2 is going to end very soon. So, we can expect that Luffy and the others will be freed from the prison by the end of Act 2.

So, what is going to happen in One Piece Chapter 941? Let’s find out. Warning: Spoiler alert.

One Piece Chapter 941 Spoilers

One Piece chapter 941 spoilers, release date

The first big thing to expect in One Piece chapter 941 spoilers is to see Big Mom break into Udon Prison. The Queen had brought Oshiruko with her. And that’s what Big Mom is after. Previously, Chopper had no idea about Oshiruko. But, now Big Mom won’t go mad because there is going to be Oshiruko.

So, we can assume that in One Piece Chapter 941 spoilers, Luffy is going to escape. Also, the upcoming chapter might also show the rescue operations of Law finally get started and that will be a big thing. On the other hand, the fight between Zoro and Gyukimaru might continue. Because the former is going to try to take back his sword from the latter. But, it is doubtful that Gyukimaru is going to give it back easily.

When is the next chapter going to release?

One Piece Chapter 941 is going to release on 29 April 2019. The official scans will release on 26 April 2019. 


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