Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cure for HIV/AIDS: Scientists founds way to Kill the Virus, Complete Cure to be Out Soon

HIV/AIDS cure could soon be out as a recent study has sparked hopes in the heart of every infected patient. Scientists researching in the field development of a cure for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has found a major breakthrough.

The new research claims that a way to kill the dormant virus in a patient’s body has been found. The kill switch can completely remove the HIV/AIDS virus from a human body. If the development can be taken to the next step and made accessible to every person on the earth, AIDS disease can be completely cured very soon.

Study shows How to Kill the HIV Virus

Study shows How to Kill the HIV Virus

While Scientists have been unable to completely eliminate AIDS, just like Cancer, treatments are developed which can suppress the HIV virus. As long as a patient is taking the ART (antiretroviral therapy) medicine, the HIV virus are kept under control.

But as soon as a patient stops taking the ART meds, the viruses become dormant again and do more harm to the body. The research done in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine has found a switch to RNA (lncRNA) in HIV-infected macrophages.

Complete Cure for HIV to be Found Soon

Complete Cure for HIV to be Found Soon

The research is a serious development and a successful step in preventing HIV from spreading after a patient stops taking ART medicines. As per the reports from UNAIDS, more than 38 million people in the world are living with AIDS and every year 1.7 million new people are infected.

It means supplying ART and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) drugs for HIV infected people will never be enough. The latest research shows that we can kill the HIV virus which means very soon a complete cure will also be out.

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Cure for HIV/AIDS: Scientists founds way to Kill the Virus, Complete Cure to be Out Soon posted first on http://www.hiptoro.com/

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